The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

connecting with your spirit 163

Dreams, a Door to Knowing
God and Ourselves

My appreciation and understanding of dreams were greatly
enhanced by the friendship and teachings of Morton Kelsey, who
was a psychologist, a teacher, an Episcopalian priest, and the author
of more than twenty books. Although it has long been accepted
that dreams are like doors to unconscious parts of the human
psyche, his studies with the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung led him
to understand that these unconscious places can be avenues for
divine inspiration. In addition to his keen intellect, he had an ethe-
real, yet practical way of helping you connect to the unconditional
love and wisdom of the Divine. He understood that the uncon-
scious is where God fi rst touches us, and he was incredibly gifted
in encouraging us to carefully listen to our dreams and translate
these revelations into our everyday lives.
After a brief evening introduction at his “ Healing with Dreams ”
conference, Morton Kelsey and his friend Tommy Tyson prayed
that we would be blessed with dreams of revelation. I awoke the
following morning with the most magical and intense dream of my
life. The dream was in Technicolor, and I was walking along an
amazingly idyllic forest path, through an antique covered bridge car-
peted with plush tapestry fabric, complete with artistically designed
cabinets and cubbies containing every imaginable art supply. Then
I entered a grotesque scene that was very unsettling. Although still
disturbed by the dream ’ s fi nale, I knew that the dream had signifi -
cance, so, during the break, I hurried to seek Morton ’ s opinion of
my dream. He listened carefully to all of the glorious, then star-
tling details, and with more compassion, grace, and acceptance
than I have ever witnessed, he smiled and said that he thought
I had received an invitation from God to explore my darker side!
He proceeded to say that God knows me the best and has invited
me to know more of myself. Because I was still unaware that I had
a darker side, I shared this with him, and he gently responded,

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