The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

connecting with your spirit 175

Why not fully participate in actualizing the exciting dreams and
visions you have previously only toyed with or played lip service to?
Remember, the equation for manifesting is: desire + seek + act =
co - create.
So pick up your paper and pencil and complete this PERT,
mapping, or tree - based game - planning experiential!

Day 23: Make a PERT Chart or Prune and Pursue Your
Spiritual Health Tree

Any method that you like and will use to envision and inspire your
pursuits and purpose is the best choice for you. Because it calls
to you, you will be much more likely to use it and grow with it.
Diagram the dimensions of your life that need attention to manifest
the dreams you envision. This road map will help you distill your
deepest longings and ground your lofty dreams to become mani-
fested realities. If you prefer to visualize your upcoming growth
with your tree ’ s roots and branches, please do so. Either method
will be helpful; the format is simply a personal preference.
I have described and illustrated many pathways to enhance your
spiritual health. You may fi nd this refresher section a convenient
source to help you determine the supportive roots and branches
you most need to practice to co - create your goals and dreams:

Meditation (from mindfulness meditations, loving - kindness
meditations, and HeartMath techniques to centering prayer
and walking meditations)
Spiritual and religious disciplines (prayer groups, Bible stud-
ies, and 12 - step groups)
Introspective and energy - moving practices (yoga, tai chi,
Expressive writing and journalizing with your nondominant
Dream suggestions (to inspire and enhance dream
Massage, EFT, and other energy work (axiatonal therapy,
breath work, laying on of hands; there ’ s more in chapter 7 )

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