The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1
introduction 5

The connection between your mental, emotional, and spiritual
well - being and your physical health is not only powerful, it ’ s an
essential priority if you truly want to achieve a life of happiness,
enriched by your ability to reach your goals, love the people in your
life, and celebrate the very essence of yourself.

How This Book Works

The Rice Diet Renewal offers thirty days of practical experientials,
or exercises, that will revitalize and strengthen your body and
soul — and all that lies in between. It will inspire a synergistic shift
in your way of being and a new understanding of your true self
because it brings together every aspect of who you are: your body,
your mind, your heart, and your spirit or soul. True health — or
healing — comes about and is sustained only if these four quadrants
of your being are nurtured, integrated, and activated.
As you begin this journey, you will answer some questions
about the way you think about your own health. You may learn
that you take your health for granted. You may learn that you
are often not attuned to your body ’ s symptoms or cries for help
or its immense and wonderful power to give you energy, enthusi-
asm, and creative juice. In part one, “ Creating True Health, ” you
will learn how to trace the connection between your body, your
mind, your heart, and ultimately your soul, or spirit. Chapter 1 ,
“ Are You Ready for True Health? ” invites you to consider the true
meaning of health and how it is not restricted to the body — but
it often begins there. If you want to heal, lose weight, or prevent
or reverse disease, you need to start with cleansing your body,
but you also need to address your mind (your thoughts and attitudes
and patterns of behavior), your heart (your emotional issues,
beginning with your relationship with food), and fi nally your spirit
(by engaging your creative source or truth). In chapter 2 , “ Cleansing
Your Body, ” you will learn how to detox your body, beginning with
reducing the amount of sodium, fat, and processed foods in your
diet. Following a simplifi ed and modifi ed version of the original

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