The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

200 the rice diet renewal

I was now offi cially a recovering MBA. While it is folly
to try to describe all the effects Zen practice had on my life,
certain things stand out. The fi rst was a renewed sense of
awe and reverence for life and the importance of living fully
and completely. Another was the understanding that how we
expend our life energy matters. It is a gift. My teacher was
fond of saying, “ This is not a dress rehearsal. ” I knew that the
best way for me to expend my life energy, to live with joy and
curiosity, was to focus on the essential, that which matters
most. For me, that meant growing food.
It was pure grace that in the midst of this revelation, I met
my wife, Cheri. In our fi rst conversation, we talked about
our dreams of growing fruit biodynamically. Within a year,
we were married, had our daughter, T é a, and purchased land
in North Carolina. Shortly thereafter, we relocated from
California and set out on the task of building our farm and
life together.
So what is it exactly that we do on this farm that is different
from other farms? The practice of biodynamics can be thought
of along two axes, earthly and heavenly. On earth, the farm is
regarded as a living entity, and all activities are focused toward
sustaining the farm in a manner that creates a balanced vital-
ity. The soil is treated regularly with special preparations that
enhance biological activity and fertility. Off - farm inputs (e.g.,
inputs that are purchased and brought to the farm) are mini-
mized with an eye toward the farm sustaining itself. Compost
that is made on the farm is applied regularly in an effort to
continually build the quality of the soil. The compost itself is
treated with special herbal remedies that enhance nutritive
qualities and microbial activity. Crops are sprayed with special
natural remedies to enhance metabolic properties and combat
disease pressure.
All of the earthly activities are undertaken based on what is
happening with the planets, particularly the moon and other
close planets. Biodynamic farmers and gardeners believe that
the earth is subject to and affected by forces that originate
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