The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

conscious consumption 201

from the heavens. While this initially might raise a few eye-
brows, one need only think of the fact that the moon moves
over a hundred feet of water twice a day in some parts of the
ocean. The location of the earth, sun, and moon in relation to
the planets and constellations renders conditions favorable
to cer tain types of activities and plants. The relationships
among the planets determine the best times to plant, harvest,
make compost, work with the bees, and do virtually any other
activity one undertakes on a farm. The result is food that
is unsurpassed in its beauty, taste, nutritional content, and

Steiner believed that one of the problems with the conventional
agriculture of his time was that the food it produced lacked the
ability to nourish the human spirit beyond basic nutritional con-
tent. To get a glimpse of what he was talking about, think of eating
a freshly dug carrot out of your own or a friend ’ s garden. Then,
think of eating a carrot that was grown with chemicals and then
sat on a truck for three thousand miles on the way to your grocery
store (the way most in this country get their carrots). Again, it is not
a stretch to get a sense for the difference.
Although I have consciously pursued the healthiest food I can
fi nd for the last four decades, Rob has taken my appreciation of
high - quality food to a new level. Meeting a farmer who plays classi-
cal music to his new seedlings in the greenhouse, gets up with his
strawberry plants at four thirty on the coldest morning they have
known, and lovingly devotes himself to the biodynamic farming
method beyond anything I have ever encountered introduced me to
a more refi ned degree of conscious consumption. I highly recom-
mend that you seek a mentor who can get you this excited about
producing the best possible quality of food. I ’ m going out for my
second truckload of “ super compost ” from Rob tomorrow, to enrich
my quickly expanding garden plot, now home to eighteen biody-
namically grown tomatoes. Who would dare offer them anything
but the ultimate nourishment and environment, after seeing the
tender loving care these plants have known?

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