The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

212 the rice diet renewal

expected to double within the next four decades. Mark Bittman, in
Food Matters , estimates that “ we currently raise 60 billion animals
each year for food — ten animals for every human on earth. The
projection is that just to sustain current consumption levels (and
consumption is increasing, so this is conservative), by 2050 we ’ ll be
raising 120 billion animals a year. ” The good news is that conscious
consumers can choose to eat less meat and buy organic, grass - fed
animals when they do; it matters.
As we allow our heads and hearts to choose the best food pur-
chases and lifestyles, for us and for future generations, some people
may feel certain fearful beliefs and concerns surfacing. For example,
thoughts like, Okay, I ’ ll give up my expensive latt é habit and reduce
my meat and alcohol consumption by half, and I ’ ll bike rather than
drive to the market, to better afford the “ true cost ” of organic, local
wholesome foods, but I don ’ t know if I really have the extra time this
will take. First, you really have all the time you need to do what you
most want to do. Second, reducing the amount of time and energy
you spend on elaborate meal preparation may be a good thing.

Conscious Consumption Can Heal
and Change Us, à la Rumi

The satisfaction one feels from choosing foods that are truly healthy
for oneself, for others, and for the earth is deeply fulfi lling. To be
“ sated ” or “ satiated ” means “ to satisfy to the full, or gratify com-
pletely. ” After you read this book, I don ’ t think you can be truly and
completely satisfi ed with inferior foods that are chemically laden
and unconsciously gobbled down. To gratefully, thus consciously,
eat your food and be aware of its natural, organic essence and appre-
ciative of its benefi ts to the environment and to all living creatures,
including those who planted, harvested, transported, and prepared it
for you, epitomizes a truly satiating experience. Consciously enjoy-
ing organic, locally grown foods with this depth of gratitude creates
a sense of satiety that won ’ t occur in fast - food restaurants or in
many opulent, pretentious, and disconnected fi ve - star restaurants.

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