The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

conscious consumption 213

Becoming intimately aware of and connected to what you eat can
change you; take it from Rumi ’ s poem “ The Worm ’ s Waking. ”

The Worm ’ s Waking
This is how a human being can change:
there ’ s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves.
Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something
wakes him, and he ’ s no longer a worm.
He ’ s the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit,
the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn ’ t need to

Day 26: True Satiation with Rumi

Today ’ s experiential is truly a treat; you will soon experience the
immense pleasure and satisfaction of memorizing and reciting
Rumi ’ s poem “ The Worm ’ s Waking. ” Recently, my dear friend
Victoria Lee, who has written a book titled The Rumi Secret , recited
this poem from heart — in response to my asking whether she knew
a thought - provoking poem on food. What a gift for her to be able
to share something so simple, so tantalizing, so hopeful, and,
furthermore, so spontaneously! Memorize this poem, and recite it
to a friend or a family member today. A special thanks to Victoria
Lee and Coleman Barks, a respected translator of Rumi who wrote
The Essential Rumi and other wonderful books, for bringing these
eight-hundred - year - old words of wisdom to so many twenty - fi rst -
century soul seekers. From Middle Eastern roots and the language
of Persia, Rumi ’ s words bridge any gulf that man has created. Fill
your soul and enjoy the satiety that his words and verse exude.

Going Green and Getting Greener: Meal
Planning, Food Shopping, and Cooking Tips

The waking worm ’ s growing wisdom and joy that doesn ’ t need to
devour are the grace we seek to fi nd in our relationship not only

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