The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

214 the rice diet renewal

with food but with everything in our lives. Whether you feel satis-
faction from not consuming beef this month — while knowing the
signifi cant benefi t this has for your body and for the earth ’ s ozone
layer — or from instantly shifting your perspective to realize you
don ’ t need paper towels, as I did last month, and simply choosing
not to use them anymore, it is fulfi lling and satiating! Read the
many ideas described here, and take on the ones you would like to.
Although a few of them may require weeks for you to embrace and
implement, others, such as using a cloth towel rather than a paper
towel, take about two seconds for you to ask yourself, “ Now, why
do I need to waste money and trees and further harm the ozone
layer by using paper towels instead of cloth? ”

New Approaches to Food
Buy less meat and more fresh produce, whole grains, and
Create menu plans, recipes, and accompanying grocery lists for
meals using seasonal produce (see appendix A).
Plan one - container meals that are fast to make, use few
resources, and are inexpensive (such as soups, cold pasta
salads, and bean dips).
Cook large batches to create several meals at once, and freeze
extras to eat later.
Freeze or can newly harvested fruits and vegetables for later use
and enjoy the seasonal savings.
Make note of meals that your family enjoys so you can prepare
them again.
Teach your family, especially younger ones, about conscious
consumption and healthier, greener foods.

Food Shopping Tips
Buy locally grown and organic foods as much as possible.
Frequently shop at nearby farmer ’ s markets.
Join a community - supported agriculture organization.
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