The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

228 the rice diet renewal

and spiritual pasts and perceptions. But, as Carolyn said that day,
by understanding “ the history we carry in our ‘ bones, ’ we become
more awake to our present - day experiences. We are then able to
release unconscious beliefs and suffering and let the Greatest Love
of all fi ll our heart, mind and body. ” So whatever we feel in any
given moment becomes a little more intense, which allows us to
experience more of our aliveness every day.
I would like to thank Carolyn for her wonderful gift of encour-
aging us to fully be in this present moment. When you seek and
discern the best therapists and facilitators to heal your condition,
your experiences and choices will be different from mine. But again
and again, my most valuable discoveries have simply occurred after
a prayerful request and expecting the best! Personal and profes-
sional recommendations are also a good place to start. I pray for
discernment to know whether the person I am considering for the
position of therapist or healer is God ’ s will, and I always judge that
individual by his or her fruits.

Axiatonal Attunement

I am frequently overwhelmed with gratitude for the many people
gifted in healing who have come into my life. Karen Winstead is
high on that list. When people refer me to practitioners whom they
think I would like to meet, and who might be helpful to the many
Ricers in our community, I often meet with these healers, talk to
them for a while, and, if I ’ m equally impressed, I go through a ses-
sion with them. I will never forget my fi rst meeting with Karen at
our clinic.
Karen practices axiatonal attunement, which is a method of mov-
ing and balancing one ’ s energy. Studies have suggested that illness
and disease are actually a disturbance in the energy fl ow (or in the
quantum energy) of the individual and may also be due to a discon-
nect from the grid. The grid is a subatomic fi eld of quantum energy,
which is believed to be our source of connection to God. The energy
of the grid is said to be healing energy because it is considered

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