The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

232 the rice diet renewal

experiences with her, I realized that she had already accepted
her state of being with grace and ease. It was my turn to do
the same. I adjusted my approach, giving only what she would
receive, hoping to help her maintain the quality of her life.
I began to appreciate her state of being and felt so much grati-
tude for the lessons she offered me and for the opportunity
to be of service to her. I learned about letting go and sur-
rendering to the perfection of the process. I learned how to
embrace my new defi nition of health and healing. I experi-
enced a healing.

The healing that Indi allowed Karen to witness and feel reminds
me of the one Carolyn gave me through Hakomi; they both were
the gift of acceptance and being at peace with what is. Although
many in our society feel driven to do more than is our calling, it
often requires merely stopping and feeling our bodies to get in
touch with our energy. Thank you, Karen, for teaching us that we
can tend to our energy imbalances before we have physical pain,
and that healing is not necessarily a cure.

Day 29: Tuning into Our Body and Soul via a
Technology Fast

Are you ready to turn off all technology for an entire week? That is
the challenge of this experiential tool. We are often imprisoned by
our unconscious affl iction with busyness and have grown to accept
this unhealthy and stressful state as normal. Our technology - driven
society has only accelerated this addiction to doing rather than
being who we really, truly, and naturally already are and as a result
is a setup for disconnecting with ourselves and others. As with
our industrialized food supply, it seems that the more quantity (of
products and money) we strive to make, the lower the quality and
integrity of what we are creating becomes.
This practice might be challenging for you and your family, but
I was inspired to try it myself after watching Oprah ’ s “ Peter Walsh
Stripped Down ” episode that aired in January 2010. I modifi ed the
rules of this one - week challenge to include the following.

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