The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

234 the rice diet renewal

Continue to prepare whole, organic, and local foods together.
Strive to enjoy all breakfasts and at least four dinners per
week together, if your schedules permit.
Enjoy weekly check - ins, where family members communicate
what ’ s working and what isn ’ t, instead of slipping back into a
mode of being too busy to communicate regularly. Choose
a night for the check - in, followed by a family movie or other
activity that is fun for everyone. Go to http://www.SpiritualCinema for spiritually uplifting family movies.
Keep up the daily expressions of love to your family members.
Explore new avenues for you and your family to spiritually
stretch. Imbalances in our body and soul not only affect us,
they affect our family unit as well. Having a date night once a
month with your signifi cant other and a family activity twice
a month allows you to enhance your communication skills
and connection needs.

Keep in mind that these are only guidelines and are meant to
be fl exible to fi t the unique needs of different families. If you can-
not commit to an entire week, for example, try three or four days.
Whatever amount of time you have to give, remember to become
conscious of the mind - set and you and your family will reap the
benefi ts.

Breath Therapy

Todd Brazee is anointed with the gift of healing. He graciously
shared his observation of how important desire is in receiving one ’ s
healing. Although Todd ’ s work as a breath therapist at the Rice Diet
Program produced some amazing results for many people, his most
memorable facilitation of healing was with my cousin Kimberly.
She was the most traumatized and wounded woman I had ever
known. For those who are still saying, “ Yeah, that healing story was
interesting, but I ’ m not sure there is hope for my desperate health
condition, ” Kim ’ s story is for you. Her early childhood trauma led

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