The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

are you ready for true health? 19

Health emanates when your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are
in alignment with your life choices, and when your actions align
with your ideals and convictions. It is your natural state; it is
what your body and soul desire to create if you consciously and
consistently choose to live with integrity. The opposite of this
state would be disease. And while almost everyone would prefer
to have good health, this is not to suggest that disease is always a
bad thing. In fact, it can be a pivotal and profound teacher, a cata-
lyst for the most revealing experience in your life. Regardless of
what the so - called disease looks like or what form it takes (physi-
cal, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all four), your fi rst real step
toward true health is simply seeing whatever is in your way as a
wake - up call prompting you to heal at the root of your symptoms.
The more you take inventory of your life, which includes your
body, heart, mind, and spirit, the easier it will be for you to see
your challenges as learning opportunities to know yourself more

to be the only confi dential sounding board they needed to
recover. Feeling that you are truly heard and known are
important human needs that are often neglected in our fast-
paced world. Prioritize the fulfi llment of this need; showing
up and sharing honestly are important to your health.
It seems that many people feel as if they have superfi cial
acquaintances but few true friends whom they can honestly
share everything with. To share your soul and life’s challenges
with someone who desires to listen and get to know you, with-
out having a vested interest in your specifi c issue per se, is a
healing gift. Two years ago, after a very close girlfriend died
of cancer, I prayed for someone to come into my life whom I
could share such love and trust with. In less than six months,
I met a woman who feels like a sister to me. She started a
women’s monthly gathering of healing professionals that I now
attend. Seek and you will fi nd.
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