The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

20 the rice diet renewal

deeply, as lessons on your journey toward actualizing your life ’ s

Your Journal

Although sharing your life, from your diseases to your dreams, can
be a powerful part of your healing process, so can writing in general.
These are the two main points I emphasize to you now, as I do with
all new Rice Diet participants: show up for all program events. For
you, reading this now, I encourage you to give your best effort to
doing the thirty days of exercises that accompany each level of heal-
ing. In fact, I beg you to give them your all. Many times, what you
initially judge not to be “ your thing ” will end up being the experien-
tial that inspires your biggest breakthrough. Some of the techniques
may work immediately; others may require a few tries. Certain tools
may not resonate with you; others will spark your interest from
the get - go. But each step of your journey asks you to “ show up ”
for one or more experientials to engage your body, heart, mind, or
spirit. You will have plenty from which to choose, but one of the
most important is keeping a journal, in which you will record your
experiences — inner and outer, including both feelings and facts.
Your journal can be a three - hole binder with lined paper, a spiral -
bound notebook, or a hand made, artful one. Start to document your
process; this will help you on your introspective journey and will
inspire you to get back on track in three to six months, when you
may temporarily lose your way. One of the most powerful ways to
get in touch with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and life choices
is to write them down. Yes, this means you, right now.
Start by answering the following questions in your journal:

Day 1: Inventory of Your Physical, Mental, Emotional,
and Spiritual Health Goals

  1. When you selected this book, what was your fi rst thought
    or hope about what you wanted to heal at the core of your

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