The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

are you ready for true health? 21

  1. List the top fi ve to ten goals that you would like to co - create in
    your life in the next fi ve years; be as specifi c as possible. Take
    off your blinders and hard hat, think outside your previously
    held limiting belief system, and boldly write what you really
    want, need, or have always felt compelled to do.

  2. If you have a physical problem or pain that you are ready to
    reverse, have you ever considered what its underlying emo-
    tional root might be? (Hint: Sometimes these are so blatantly
    obvious that we miss them. Examples could include having a
    physical “ pain in the neck ” from dealing with a metaphorical
    one; my dad had a heart attack after a heart - breaking divorce;
    many overweight Ricers have told me that weight has served as
    an insulation.) Describe the thoughts that fi rst came to you.

  3. What will your life be like when you achieve your goals?
    Identify some of the most delightful benefi ts of actualizing
    your goals; have fun connecting with the freedom and joy you
    are imagining.

  4. How has this disease or undesired status, situation, or frame
    of mind served you? What will you give up or lose when you
    achieve your goal or desired change?

  5. Are you ready to manifest your goal? If you are not ready,
    describe how this present state is serving you; explore your
    thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on this.

The Scientifi c Proof for the Benefi ts of
Expressive Writing

Dr. James Pennebaker and Sandra Beall ’ s early research on
expressive writing showed that students who journalized
about both facts and feelings had far fewer visits to the stu-
dent health center than those who simply journalized about
facts or feelings. In only four months, the students in the for-
mer group enjoyed a 50 percent drop in the monthly visitation
rate to the student health center.
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