The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

are you ready for true health? 29

downright irritable. How great is that?! I have learned that my
body wants to be healthy. I feel like I can control my emotions
and my life now, through the support of this healthy lifestyle.

As most of you know, amazing feats and incredible accomplish-
ments do not fall out of the sky onto your head. Greatness and suc-
cess have long been correlated with knowing who you are and what
you want, connecting with that passion and purpose, and then
undertaking lots of practice, practice, practice. It has repeatedly
been shown that ten thousand hours of practice are required before
any of the greatest musicians, athletes, artists, or actors achieved
their star status: they made a conscious decision, established their
goals, created a plan to reach those goals, and then practiced,
practiced, and practiced. They achieved their dreams because they
lived their dreams every day. And yet studies show that less than
1 percent of Americans actually write down their specifi c goals
each year. This is really a tragic loss of potential.
So, right now, take a moment to imagine a goal that has always
seemed beyond your reach. Think big; choose something you
really want, even if at fi rst it seems unobtainable — such as your
ideal body weight, to be a nonsmoker, to be in a loving, supportive
relationship. Co - creating true health will require your getting clear
about what you want for your body, mind, heart, and spirit and
delving deeper into the ways to obtain it. First, think about what
you want, imagine what that will feel like when you co - create or
attract it, and believe that it is yours to enjoy.

Day 2: Develop Your Dream Board

Have you written down what you are seeking to create in your life?
Even after my encouragement, your honest answer may still be no.
Well, in this present moment you can choose to actually show up
and participate in co - creating the health and the life you want. Get
your notebook, your journal, or at least a piece of paper. You now
can begin to articulate and then write down your goals, with spe-
cifi c plans to achieve them. After specifying your goals in black
and white, you may be amazed at what a difference it can make

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