The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1


Cleansing Your Body

Nothing will benefi t human health and increase chances
for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a
vegetarian diet.
— Albert Einstein


emember the old axiom “ If you don ’ t have your health, you
don ’ t have anything ”? Therein lies a great truth. “ Cleansing Your
Body ” is the beginning of your journey. This chapter focuses on the
physical realm: your body. Often, it is easiest for people to identify
with their bodies, to clarify what is wrong physically and what they
must change, and to recognize the benefi cial results that come from
following healthy guidelines. When you lose unwanted weight and
cleanse your body of toxins that have accumulated from a diet of pro-
cessed foods laden with excess sodium, fat, and sugar, you will begin
to taste and smell again. When you feel lighter, start to think more
clearly, and experience an optimistic outlook on life, then you are in a

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