The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

cleansing your body 47

Specifi cally, this diet provides suffi cient protein via:

2 – 4 cups of cooked grains and/or beans
2 – 6 cups of vegetables
1 – 2 cups of organic dairy or soy milk six days per week

Healing yourself and transforming your perceptions about
food, as well as changing how you respond to others ’ judgments
and opinions, are important aspects of developing mindfulness and
confi dence about your food choices. As you follow the Rice Diet,
be mindful of your results. The fruition of this monthlong commit-
ment will convince you, if I haven ’ t.

The Healthiest and Longest - Lived People in the
World Eat Simply
Epidemiological research, or studies from various populations
around the world, has provided proof for years that a diet that
promotes health and longevity doesn ’ t have to be laden with
complicated formulas, expensive concoctions, or mysterious
secret ingredients from distant lands. In fact, The Blue Zones:
Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who ’ ve Lived the
Longest , by Dan Buettner, describes the inverse to be true.
The populations in the four areas of the world he investigated
had longevity, strength, vitality, and happiness without con-
sulting any dietary experts or following any rigid prescriptive
formulas. The diets were inexpensive, homegrown, and basic.
From the Nicoyan Peninsula in Costa Rica to Sardinia; to
Loma Linda, California; to Okinawa, Japan, the longest - lived
people ate very similarly: all had primarily plant - based diets
(thus low in saturated fats) and ate mainly handmade foods
(consequently, these were naturally low in sodium, saturated
fats, and refi ned carbohydrates). If they ate animal products
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