The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

cleansing your body 49

appreciation for whole foods and also remind you of how good the
vegetables will be tomorrow! You will also notice that the other
days include a dairy or soy milk choice (offi cially called the Lacto -
Vegetarian Rice Diet); and after the fi rst week you may include
seafood or other lean, healthfully raised animal products (offi cially
the Vegetarian Plus Rice Diet) if appropriate for your health issues.
Please realize that these menus are provided as an example of a
health - promoting monthly food plan, not a rigid, required prescrip-
tion. Personalize these menus to complement your lifestyle and
what is doable for you.
As long as your actual daily calorie totals are within 100 calo-
ries of either the 1,000 - calorie or the 800 - calorie maximum, you
will see very impressive results from the Rice Diet Program. For
example, given that this 1,000 - calorie - a - day menu would inspire
impressive weight loss in any woman, if you are a man or do not
need to lose much weight, feel free to add a few extra servings
of whatever whole foods you desire. If you are a cancer or heart
patient or someone with risk factors for developing heart disease, it
would be to your advantage to make fi sh your only animal fat.
If you do want to eat foods from other animal sources, be sure
they are grass fed , because corn - fed animals have a much higher
omega - 6 to omega - 3 fatty acid ratio, which has repeatedly been
shown to increase your risk for developing heart disease and cancer.
The animals should preferably be organically raised, so that you are
not consuming cloned animals or those fed genetically engineered
corn. Although this may at fi rst seem radical or extremely prudent
to the average person who was raised on processed fast foods, it is
how most people in the rest of the world eat. The Rice Diet is what
the majority of people in developing nations consume, because
whatever grows out of the ground is the only food available to them.
They do not have access to convenience foods that are highly pro-
cessed and loaded with plasticized fats (a food scientist ’ s name for
hydrogenated fats!), sodium - rich additives, and man - made muta-
tions and chemicals galore. Don ’ t forget that whole, unprocessed
foods are what most centenarians eat. So let ’ s get back to the basics
with the weekly menus that follow.

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