The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

58 the rice diet renewal

You will also notice that each week ’ s menu is refl ective of a sea-
son of the year. This is done to illustrate and sensitize you to the
availability of certain fruits and vegetables at different times of
the year. Since you will likely be using these menus for four con-
secutive weeks, the suggested fruits and vegetables may not be
what are freshest and most affordable, so be ready to make locally
grown substitutions. For instance, in January, we fi nd that the avail-
able tomatoes and bell peppers are basically inedible and expen-
sive, so we substitute with sundried tomatoes and enjoy stuffed
acorn or butternut squash instead of stuffed peppers. Think fresh,
local, and organic when making any substitutions.
A daily multivitamin/mineral supplement is recommended, as
well as 500 to 1,000 mg of calcium (depending on your calcium - rich
food consumption), especially if you have osteopenia (a reduction
in bone density), osteoporosis, or a history of osteoporosis in your

Rice Diet Tips for Certain Conditions

Overweight : Eat a lot (four to six half-cup servings) of organic
vegetables. Eat whole, unprocessed foods without added
salt, sugar, and hydrogenated fats; limit animal fats. Enjoy
a variety of organic and preferably locally grown whole
grains, beans, and fruits, as well as a serving of low - fat
dairy products, or seafood daily.
Hypertensive : Follow the same tips as for the overweight cat-
egory, with an added focus on, and commitment to, avoid-
ing added sodium in foods and increasing your intake of
potassium - rich fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fresh
fruits and vegetables contain more potassium than frozen
and signifi cantly more than canned ones, so, again, fresh
is usually best. Because no - salt substitutes that contain
potassium chloride will continue to train your taste buds
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