The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

60 the rice diet renewal

Your Food Pledge

One way to become conscious of, and responsible for, how and
what you eat is by making a food pledge. This can be as simple as
the following:

I will eat a wholesome diet with very low sodium, sugar, and
saturated fat for one month to see what power I have in creat-
ing the results I want for.

This can be made more specifi c:

I will eat whole foods, which include all grains, beans, fruits,
and vegetables, with a daily seafood or organic nonfat dairy
(soy or rice milk) choice for one month to experience the
power I have to infl uence.

Eating the Mindful Way

Although the menus in this chapter are designed to give you a
sense of food and portion sizes that would provide a 1,000 - calorie
diet, if you wish to consume 100 to 200 calories more, you will
still lose weight, but it will be at a slower pace unless you exercise

dietary challenge for a month and experience how the food
you choose can change the way you feel for the better. If you
are on medications or have medical concerns, see your doctor
before beginning this healthy diet and request blood work if
you have not done so recently. Comparing your blood work
before beginning the Rice Diet and one month into it will
inspire you beyond your wildest expectations. There is nothing
like dramatic physical results to encourage people to embrace
long - term lifestyle changes.
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