The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

62 the rice diet renewal

you may later regret. In fact, if you call the restaurant beforehand
to make sure that it can prepare a vegetarian or seafood dish with-
out salt, this is really exercising your power, which is crucial to
co - creating the good health and the weight you desire.
Regardless of what situation you fi nd yourself in, always remem-
ber that if your priority is to eat something low in sodium and
saturated fat that you will enjoy, you need to ask for it in a way that
can be heard. Once I attended a round - table luncheon at a national
cardiac conference. When I walked into the room and saw that
they were serving beef stroganoff, I quickly engaged a server and
admitted that I was a vegetarian who had unfortunately forgotten to
request a special meal in advance, as I was accustomed to doing at
such events. I immediately apologized for any inconvenience that
I was creating for him and asked whether he had any fresh fi sh or
vegetables that I might have instead. He came back, grinning from
ear to ear, with the most beautiful salmon, served with steamed
broccoli, a baked potato, and a salad! Of course, I tipped him gen-
erously, and we both had a win - win experience. The cardiologists
at the table looked at their less - than - healthy lunch and then at
my tasty, nutritious meal and asked, “ How did you get that? ” I
replied honestly, “ I asked for it. ” That ’ s what can happen when you
take responsibility for co - creating what you want and acting on
that desire!
Although eating in restaurants, at conferences, and on the road
can be challenging, you can enhance your odds of eating health -
promoting foods that you will enjoy if you plan ahead and shop and
pack wisely. Research shows that people who planned their menus
and shopped accordingly consumed far more healthy fruits and
vegetables than did individuals who did not plan ahead. Stocking
your pantry, car, and offi ce with no - salt - added staples and snacks
can be incredibly helpful; surrounding yourself with optimal food
items makes choosing them ever so much easier. The often - quoted
excuses “ Well, there was nothing else I could eat ” or “ I didn ’ t have any
healthier choices there ” are really rather lame. We always have the
choice to eat or take a healthy option with us, rather than to
unconsciously set ourselves up to not have one.

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