The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

cleansing your body 71

more soundly, your headaches may have disappeared (especially if
you have reduced or eliminated your coffee - , tea - , or soda - drinking
habits), and your energy level may have changed. Note any of these
physical changes on the bottom of the second page of your Dieta
Journal. Although some people are surprised at the burst of energy
they feel on the diet, for many others this response is obvious
only after a week of their feeling less energetic, due to detoxing
any number of deleterious substances that they have previously
habitually consumed. For instance, people who stop a caffeine habit
cold turkey will often have headaches for a few days, but “ this, too,
will pass ” after the fi rst week of detox. (Of course, participants are
offered the options of going cold turkey, titrating themselves off
caffeine, or taking a headache medication.) Keep your eyes on the
prize. And if you are tired, take a nap or go to bed earlier. Listen to
your body for a change of pace... it is ready to talk to you!
Cleansing your body builds the physical platform for you to
begin healing at the core, and it will support the exploration of
your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth in the upcoming three
Now that your body has so quickly shown you its ability and
willingness to heal and to make you feel better, the next chapter,
“ Healing Your Heart, ” will enroll the body part that can effectively
enhance the duration of your great passions. Although in the past
you likely made most of your food choices unconsciously, you can
become newly aware of your attitudes toward food and eating and
let go of any negativity that may inhibit your efforts to lose weight
and get healthy. The following chapter will introduce you to ways
to uncover and release any emotional blocks that could prevent
you from truly embracing your ability to take care of yourself, cher-
ish yourself, and treat all of your being as a vessel of love. You will
begin to understand why Ricers often start their “ shares ” with “ This
is not a diet but a dieta , a way of life that has transformed me. ”
Congratulations on taking your fi rst step into the physical realm,
and welcome to the upcoming exploration that will empower your

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