The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

healing your heart 81

his movie choice this weekend, ” “ Research parent - teenage retreats
that are focused on such challenges, ” and “ Practice journalizing
and meditation instead of emotional eating. ”
Sometimes, when this is not as obvious, you may benefi t by
doing this exercise with your most trusted confi dante or therapist.
Following this exercise with a role - playing therapist who knew how
to take me to a deeper level of understanding was what preceded
my healing from a supposedly incurable crippling joint disorder.
Show up for your healing by responding to the statements below
in your journal.

Emotions that do not serve my higher calling:
Situational examples that precipitate these feelings:
Plans to heal:

Often, I hear Ricers express their amazement that their food
obsessions and feelings of hunger are totally gone the fi rst day on
the program, but then later they admit that their hunger came
back right after their ex - husband called to argue further about the
divorce! Yes, we all eat for emotional reasons, and we create a lot
of problems for ourselves that we are oblivious to — until we choose
to become conscious to them.

The Responsibility Game

The Responsibility Game was introduced to me by Rob Katz, the
director of the Legacy Center in Morrisville, North Carolina, where
I participated in a leadership training program called the Journey.
It is a simple, yet effective way to manage even the most intense
emotions and disempowering mind - sets. In a concrete, practical
way, it teaches you how to use the law of attraction, a law of physics
that is defi ned as like attracting like. It will teach you this principle
by letting you consciously approach your life like a game, which
can help you understand that your positive thoughts, feelings, and
faith, when intentionally enjoyed simultaneously, can fuel your

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