(a) Since the Thévenin impedance is the ratio of the open-circuit voltage to the short-circuit
current, calculation with respect to terminalsA–Bis shown next. Let us first calculate the
open-circuit voltageV ̄oc.
The KVL equation for the left-hand loop is
( 200 +j 20 )I ̄= 20 0°, or I ̄=
20 0°
200 +j 20
V ̄oc=j 20 I−
−j 100 I ̄
=j 120 I ̄=
(j^120 )(^20 )
200 +j 20
= 1. 19 +j 11. 88
= 11. 94 84 .3° V
The short-circuit currentI ̄scis found from the circuit of Figure E3.1.8(c).
The KVL equations are given by
( 200 +j 20 )I ̄−j 20 I ̄sc= 20 0°
−j 20 I ̄+I ̄sc(j 20 −j 10 )=−
−j 100 I ̄
Solving forI ̄sc, one gets
I ̄sc= 12 I ̄=^240
200 −j 220
= 0. 807 47 .7° A
The Thévenin impedance at terminalsA–Bis then
Z ̄Th=
V ̄oc
I ̄sc
11. 94 84 .3°
0. 807 47 .7°
= 14. 8 36 .6°= 11. 88 +j 8. 82
The Thévenin equivalent circuit at theA–Bterminals is shown in Figure E3.1.8(d).
(b) The impedance to be connected at terminalsA–Bfor matching is given by
Z ̄=Z ̄∗Th= 14. 8 − 36 .6°=RTh−jXTh= 11. 88 −j 8. 82
(c) The maximum power transfer to the matched impedanceZ ̄is given by
2 RTh
) 2
4 RTh
11. 942
4 × 11. 88
= 3 .0W
A single-phase source delivers 100 kW to a load operating at 0.8 lagging power factor. In order
to improve the system’s efficiency, power factor improvement (correction) is achieved through
connecting a capacitor in parallel with the load. Calculate the reactive power to be delivered by
the capacitor (considered ideal) in order to raise the source power factor to 0.95 lagging, and draw
the power triangles. Also find the value of the capacitance, if the source voltage and frequency
are 100 V (rms) and 60 Hz, respectively. Assume the source voltage to be a constant and neglect
the source impedance as well as the line impedance between source and load.