EXAMPLE 12.2.2
The armature of a four-pole dc machine has a simplex lap wound commutator winding (which has
the number of parallel paths equal to the number of poles) with 120 two-turn coils. If the flux per
pole is 0.02 Wb, calculate the dc voltage appearing across the brushes located on the quadrature
axis when the machine is running at 1800 r/min.
This example can be solved by the direct application of Equation (12.2.15),
α× 60
For our example,P= 4 ,φ= 0. 02 ,n=1800, the number of conductorsZ= 120 × 2 × 2 = 480
and the number of parallel pathsα=4 for the simplex lap winding (the same as the number of
poles). Therefore,
4 × 0. 02 × 1800 × 480
4 × 60
=288 V dc
12.3 Rotating Magnetic Fields
When a machine has more than two poles, only a single pair of poles needs to be considered
because the electric, magnetic, and mechanical conditions associated with every other pole pair
are repetitions of those for the pole pair under consideration. The angle subtended by one pair
of poles in aP-pole machine (or one cycle of flux distribution) is defined to be 360electrical
degrees,or2πelectrical radians.So the relationship between the mechanical anglemand the
anglein electrical units is given by
θm (12.3.1)
because one complete revolution hasP/2 complete wavelengths (or cycles). In view of this
relationship, for a two-pole machine, electrical degrees (or radians) will be the same as mechanical
degrees (or radians).
In this section we set out to show that a rotating field of constant amplitude and sinusoidal
space distribution of mmf around a periphery of the stator is produced by a three-phase winding
located on the stator and excited by balanced three-phase currents when the respective phase
windings are wound 2π/3 electrical radians (or 120 electrical degrees) apart in space. Let us
consider the two-pole, three-phase winding arrangement on the stator shown in Figure 12.3.1.
The windings of the individual phases are displaced by 120 electrical degrees from each other in
space around the air-gap periphery. The reference directions are given for positive phase currents.
The concentrated full-pitch coils, shown here for simplicity and convenience, do in fact represent
the actual distributed windings producing sinusoidal mmf waves centered on the magnetic axes
of the respective phases. Thus, these three sinusoidal mmf waves are displaced by 120 electrical
degrees from each other in space. Let a balanced three-phase excitation be applied with phase
ia=Icosωst; ib=I cos(ωst−120°); ic=Icos(ωst−240°) (12.3.2)
whereIis the maximum value of the current, and the timet=0 is chosen arbitrarily when the
a-phase current is a positive maximum. Each phase current is an ac wave varying in magnitude