for that instant when thea-phase current is a positive maximum; Figure 12.3.2(b) refers to that
instant when theb-phase current is a positive maximum; the intervening time corresponds to
120 electrical degrees. It can be seen from Figure 12.3.2 that during this time interval, the
resultant sinusoidal mmf waveform has traveled (or rotated through) 120 electrical degrees
of the periphery of the stator structure carrying the three-phase winding. That is to say, the
resultant mmf is rotating in synchronism with time variations in current, with its peak amplitude
remaining constant at^3 / 2 times that of the maximum phase value. Note that the peak value of
the resultant stator mmf wave coincides with the axis of a particular phase winding when that
phase winding carries its peak current. The graphical process can be continued for different
instants of time to show that the resultant mmf is in fact rotating in synchronism with the supply
Although the analysis here is carried out only for a three-phase case, it holds good for anyq-
phase (q>1; i.e., polyphase) winding excited by balancedq-phase currents when the respective
phases are wound 2π/qelectrical radians apart in space. However, in a balanced two-phase case,
note that the two phase windings are displaced 90 electrical degrees in space, and the phase
currents in the two windings are phase-displaced by 90 electrical degrees in time. The constant
amplitude of the resultant rotating mmf can be shown to beq/2 times the maximum contribution
of any one phase. Neglecting the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, the corresponding flux density
in the air gap of the machine is then given by
μ 0 F
wheregis the length of the air gap.
Production of Rotating Fields from Single-Phase Windings
In this subsection we show that a single-phase winding carrying alternating current produces a
stationary pulsating fluxthat can be represented by two counterrotating fluxes of constant and
equal magnitude.
Let us consider a single-phase winding, as shown in Figure 12.3.3(a), carrying alternating
currenti=I cosωt. This winding will produce a flux-density distribution whose axis is fixed
along the axis of the winding and that pulsates sinusoidally in magnitude. The flux density along
the coil axis is proportional to the current and is given byBmcosωt, whereBmis the peak flux
density along the coil axis.
Let the winding be on the stator of a rotating machine with uniform air gap, and let the flux
density be distributed sinusoidally around the air gap. Then the instantaneous flux density at any
positionθfrom the coil axis can be expressed as
B(θ)=(Bmcosωt)cosθ (12.3.9)
which may be rewritten by the use of the trigonometric identity following Equation (12.3.5) as
cos(θ+ωt) (12.3.10)
The sinusoidal flux-density distribution given by Equation (12.3.9) can be represented by a
vectorBmcosωtof pulsating magnitude on the axis of the coil, as shown in Figure 12.3.3(a).
Alternatively, as suggested by Equation (12.3.10), this stationary pulsating flux-density vector can
be represented by two counterrotating vectors of constant magnitudeBm/2, as shown in Figure
12.3.3(b). While Equation (12.3.9) represents a standing space wave varying sinusoidally with
time, Equation (12.3.10) represents the two rotating components of constant and equal magnitude,