
(Joyce) #1



(a) (b)

i = I cos ωt

B = Bm cos ωt Bm cos ωt




Bm/ 2

Bm/ 2

Figure 12.3.3Single-phase winding carrying alternating current, producing a stationary pulsating flux or
equivalent rotating flux components.

12.4 Forces and Torques in Magnetic-Field Systems

We mentioned earlier that the greater ease of storing energy in magnetic fields largely accounts
for the common use of electromagnetic devices for electromechanical energy conversion. In a
magnetic circuit containing an air-gap region, the energy stored in the air-gap space is several
times greater than that stored in the iron portion, even though the volume of the air gap is only a
small fraction of that of the iron.
The energy-conversion process involves an interchange between electric and mechanical
energy via the stored energy in the magnetic field. This stored energy, which can be determined
for any configuration of the system, is astate functiondefined solely by functional relationships
between variables and the final values of these variables. Thus, theenergy methodis a powerful
tool for determining the coupling forces of electromechanics.
In asingly excited system,a change in flux density from a value of zero initial flux density to
Brequires an energy input to the field occupying a given volume,


∫B 1


HdB (12.4.1)

which can also be expressed by


∫λ 1


i(λ) dλ=

∫φ 1


F(φ) dφ (12.4.2)

Note that the currentiis a function of the flux linkagesλand that the mmfFis a function of the
fluxφ; their relations depend on the geometry of the coil, the magnetic circuit, and the magnetic

l Figure 12.4.1Graphical interpretation of energy
and coenergy in a singly excited nonlinear system.
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