
(Joyce) #1

15.1.16A transmitter is connected to an antenna by a
transmission line for whichZ ̄ 0 =R 0 = 50 .
The transmitter source impedance is matched to
the line, but the antenna is known to be unmatched
and has areflection coefficient


RL−R 0
RL+R 0
= 0. 3

whereRL(=Z ̄L)is the load impedance. The
transmitter produces a power of 15 kW in the inci-
dent wave to the antenna and will be destroyed due
to overheat if the reflected wave’s power exceeds
2 kW. Determine the antenna’s radiated power in
this case and comment on whether the transmitter
will survive.

*15.1.17A source of impedanceZ ̄S=RS= 100 has
an open-circuit voltagevS(t)=12.5 cosωotand
drives a 75-transmission line terminated with
a 75-load. Find the current and voltage at the
input terminals of the line.
15.1.18The model of an elemental length of a lossy trans-
mission line is shown in Figure P15.1.18(a),

along with its parameters, whereRis series re-
sistance per unit length,Lis series inductance
per unit length,Gis shunt conductance per unit
length, andCis shunt capacitance per unit length.
Thecharacteristic impedanceZ ̄ 0 of the line is
given by

Z ̄ 0 =

Z ̄
Y ̄=


Thepropagation constant Vis given by

V ̄=

Z ̄Y ̄=

(R+j ωL)(G+jωC)
whereαis the attenuation constant (nepers per
unit length) andβis the phase constant (radi-
ans per unit length). The ac steady-state solu-
tion for the uniform line reveals the voltage on a
matched line(Z ̄L=Z ̄ 0 )to beE(x) ̄ =E ̄Se− ̄γx=
E ̄Se−αxe−jβx, whereE ̄Sis the sending-end volt-
age andxis distance along the line from the send-
ing end.


= 100 mi



G ∆x


C ∆x

I− R∆x I− + ∆I−

E E + ∆E−



− −

600 Ω

Eg = 10 ∠ 0 ° v RMS


ZR = Z 0


− −




Figure P15.1.18
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