
(Joyce) #1

the applied voltage at the terminals and the current
drawn by the motor, respectively.
(a) WithV ̄as reference, draw a phasor diagram
for the motor.
(b) Develop an equivalent circuit with a current
source and draw the corresponding phasor
diagram withV ̄as reference.
(c) Obtain expressions for power and torque for
parts (a) and (b).
(d) Now consider the variable-frequency opera-
tion of the synchronous motor, with the per-
unit frequencyato bef/frated. TakingV ̄fas
reference in the quadrature axis, draw the pha-
sor diagram and comment on the effect of the
variable frequency.

16.1.17Consider the motor of Example 16.1.6 in the text.

(a) Determine the armature current and power
factor at one-half the rated speed, one-half the
rated torque, and rated field current.
(b) Find the torque and field current correspond-
ing to rated armature current, 1.25 times the
rated speed, and unity power factor.
16.2.1Consider the electrical transients on a linear ba-
sis in a separately excited dc generator (whose
model is shown in Figure P16.2.1), resulting from
changes in excitation. Let the generator speed be
a constant, so that the dynamics of the mechanical
drive do not enter the problem. Obtain expressions
forEa(s)/Vf(s)andIa(s)/Vf(s), and develop the
corresponding block diagrams. LetRLandLLbe
the load resistance and load inductance, respec-

16.2.2A separately excited dc generator has the follow-
ing parameters:Rf= 100 , Lf=20 H,Ra=
0. 1 , La= 0 .1H,andKg=100 V per field
ampere at rated speed. The load connected to the
generator has a resistanceRL = 4. 5 and an
inductanceLL= 2 .2 H. Assume that the prime
mover is rotating at rated speed, the load switch
is closed, and the generator is initially unexcited.
Determine the armature current as a function of
time when a 230-V dc supply is suddenly applied
to the field winding, assuming the generator speed
to be essentially constant.
16.2.3A 5-hp, 220-V, separately excited dc motor has
the following parameters:Ra= 0. 5 , k=2H,
Rf = 220 , andLf =110 H. The armature
winding inductance is negligible. The torque re-
quired by the load is proportional to the speed,
and the combined constants of the motor armature
and the load areJ =3kg·m^2 andB = 0. 3
kg·m^2 /s. Consider the armature-controlled dc mo-
tor, whose speed is made to respond to variations
in the applied motor armature voltagevt. Let the
field current be maintained constant at 1 A.
(a) Develop a block diagram relating the motor
speed and the motor applied voltage, and find
the corresponding transfer function.
(b) Compute the steady-state speed correspond-
ing to a step-applied armature voltage of 220
(c) How long does the motor take to reach 0.95
of the steady-state speed of part (b)?
(d) Determine the value of the total effective vis-
cous damping coefficient of the motor-load



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Ra Figure P16.2.1Schematic representation
of the model of a separately excited dc motor.
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