Figure P16.2.34, which uses proportional control.
WithTd(s)=0, if a unit-step function is applied
to the reference input, find the expression for the
time responseωc(t).
16.2.35Figure P16.2.35 shows a block diagram of a speed-
control system that uses proportional as well as
integral control action. Show that this will result
in the elimination of the steady-state system error
in response to a unit-step disturbance torque input.
16.2.36Consider two type-1 systems, as shown in Figures
P16.2.36(a) and (b), with the integrator located
in two different locations. Check whether both
systems eliminate the steady-state error for unit-
step function disturbance inputU(s).
16.2.37It is desirable to have an amplifier system of sev-
eral stages with an overall gain of 1000±20. The
gain of any one stage is given to drift from 10 to
- Determine the required number of stages and
the feedback function needed to meet the speci-
fications. Consider the closed-loop system as one
that has an initial value of 980 and a final value of
1020, while each stage has an initial value of 10
and a final value of 20.
G 1 G 2 G 3 G 4
H 0
H 1
H 3
H 2
Figure P16.2.28
G 1 G 2 C
R 1
R 2
H 2
H 1
Figure P16.2.29
G 1 G 2 G 3 G 4 G 6
R ++
H 1
G 5
H 2
Figure P16.2.30