
(Joyce) #1


Wheatstone bridge, 49–50
Electrical quantities, 4
conductors, 6–7
current, 7
electric potential, 10–11
energy, 11
insulators, 7
power, 11
source-load combination, 12–13
voltage, 11
waveforms, 14–15
Electrical radian (unit), 528
Electrical time constant, 798
Electrical-hydraulic analogs, 50, 51
Electrical-mechanical analogs, 50,
Electrical-thermal analogs, 51–52
Electrically erasable programmable
read-only memory.See
Electromagnetic spectrum,
frequency bands of, 668
Electromagnetic torque, 527, 556
Electromagnetic waves:
polarization of, 682
propagation of, 668–70
Electromagnetism, 471
application, 494–95
autotransformers, 480, 492–94,
iron-core losses, 472–75
magnetic circuits, 475–79
magnetic materials, 472–75
three-phase transformers, 490–91
transformer equivalent circuits,
transformer performance, 486–90
Electromagnets, 533–35
Electromechanical energy
conversion, 505–7
alignment, 509–10
applications, 541–42
emf produced by windings,
forces and torques, 526–39
induction, 507–8
interaction, 509
problems, 540–41
rotating machines, 553–612
rotating magnetic fields, 522–26
Electromechanics, 505–42
Electromotive force.Seeemf
Electron, charge, 4
Electronic mail, 320
Electronic photo flash, 380
Electronic systems, 223
amplifiers, 224–58
analog building blocks, 224–58
computer networks, 320–25
computer systems, 316–20
digital building blocks, 271–95
digital circuits, 268, 422–39
digital system components,

semiconductor devices, 339–80
transistor amplifiers, 393–415
Elementary loop, 75
Elliptical polarization, 682
emf, 11
back emf, 507
induced, 507
motional, 507, 508
produced by windings, 514–22
pulsational, 507
speed emf, 507
transformer, 507
emf equation, 481
Emitter follower, 402
Emitter-coupled logic.SeeECL
Encoders, 296, 298
Energy, 11
conservation of, 506
electric service, 463
magnetic field systems, 527
power and, 458
in singly excited system, 526
Energy efficiency, transformers, 486
Energy systems:
ac power, 451–68
electromechanics, 505–42
magnetic circuits, 475–79
magnetic materials, 472–75
rotating machines, 553–612
transformers, 479–95
Energy-type signal, 633
Enhancement MOSFETs, 371,
372–75, 397–98
Envelope detector, 691
EPROM (erasable programmable
read-only memory), 312
Equalization, 627, 639–40
Equations of motion, 528
Equivalent circuit:
cylindrical rotor synchronous
machine, 583–85
dc machines, 594–95
polyphase induction machines,
small-signal equivalent circuit,
Thévenin and Norton equivalent
circuits, 67–71
transformers, 479–85
Erasable programmable read-only
Error-rate control, 793–94
Essential prime implicant, 287
Ethernet, 321
Euler’s identity, 103
Excitation torque, 529
Excitation voltage, 583
Exciter loss, synchronous generator,
Exciting current, 476
CIDENCE) gate, 276,

EXCLUSIVE OR (XOR) gate, 276,
Expandor, 714
External frequency compensation,
op amp, 239
Extrinsic semiconductors, 340

Fall time, 426
Farad (unit), 224
Faraday’s law of induction, 29–30,
479, 507
Feedback amplifiers, 232
Feedback circuits, 232
Feedback control systems, 779,
block diagrams, 783–88
classification of, 790–91
dynamic response, 788–90
error rate control, 793–94
integral-error control, 795–96
output-rate control, 794–95
second-order servomechanism,
steady-state error, 790
transfer functions, 783–84
Ferrimagnetic materials, 472
Ferrites, 473
Ferrofluids, 472
Ferromagnetic materials, 472, 510
FET switches, 433
FETs.SeeField-effect transistors
Fiber-optic cable, 323
Fiber-optic channels, 667
Fiber-optic communication systems,
Field copper loss, synchronous
generator, 587
Field intensity, 472
Field-effect transistors (FETs), 367
biasing, 395–99
FET amplifiers, 405–9
FET switches, 433
junction FETs, 367–71
MOSFETs, 371–78
Filtered chrominance signal, 705
Filtering, 627
analog signals, 638–39
deemphasis filtering, 655, 695
preemphasis filtering, 655, 695
Filters, 155, 252
active filters, 252–55
bandpass filter, 175–76, 254
Butterworth bandpass filter, 176
deemphasis filter, 655, 695
inductorless filters, 252–55
low-pass filters, 155, 252, 639
notch filter, 650
preemphasis filter, 655, 695
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