Immortals of Meluha

(singke) #1

The preparations for Shiva’s tour of the empire were in full swing. Shiva, however, still found
time for Sati’s dance lessons every afternoon. They were developing a quiet friendship. But
Shiva agonised over the fact that while she showed respect, there was no softening of
emotions in her or expression of feelings.
In the meantime, Shiva’s tribe had been summoned to Devagiri, where they were given
comfortable accommodation and jobs. Bhadra, however, was not to stay with the Gunas. He
had instead been assigned to accompany the Neelkanth on his voyage.
‘Veerbhadra! When the hell did you get this name?’ Shiva asked Bhadra, meeting him for the
first time since his departure from Kashmir.
‘Stupid reason actually,’ smiled Bhadra, whose slight hump had disappeared completely,
thanks to the magical Somras. ‘On the journey here, I saved the caravan leader from a tiger
attack. He gave me the tide for a brave man before my name.’
‘You fought a tiger single-handed?’ asked Shiva, clearly impressed.
Bhadra nodded feeling awkward.
‘Well, then you really deserve to be called Veerbhadra!’
‘Yeah right!’ smiled Bhadra, suddenly turning serious. ‘The crazy label of “destroyer of evil”...
Are you okay with this? You are not giving in to these pleas just because of your past, are
‘I am going with the flow right now, my friend. Something tells me that despite all my
misgivings, I can actually help these people. These Meluhans are completely mad, no doubt.
And I certainly can’t do ALL that they expect of me. But I do feel that if I can make a difference,
however small, I can reconcile with my past.’
‘If you are sure, then so am I. I will follow you anywhere.’
‘Don’t follow. Walk beside me!’
Veerbhadra laughed and embraced his friend. ‘I missed you Shiva.’
‘I missed you too.’
‘Let’s meet in the garden in the afternoon. I’ve got a great batch of marijuana.’
‘It’s a deal!’
Brahaspati too had sought permission to travel with Shiva. He explained that a
Mesopotamian ship carrying some rare chemicals, essential for a critical experiment, was to
dock at the port city of Karachapa soon. His team had to check and obtain those materials
anyway. It would be a good idea to do this while travelling with Shiva. Daksha said that he had
no problems with Brahaspati joining the tour if the Lord was okay with it. Shiva agreed
enthusiastically to the suggestion.
Three weeks after the court announcement about the Neelkanth, the day finally dawned for
Shiva’s tour of the empire. On the morning of the day itself, Daksha walked into Shiva’s
‘You could have summoned me, your Highness,’ said Shiva with a namaste. ‘You did not
need to come here.’
‘It is my pleasure to come to your chambers, my Lord,’ smiled Daksha, returning Shiva’s
greeting with a low bow. ‘I thought I would introduce the physician who would be travelling with
your entourage. She arrived from Kashmir last night.’

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