Immortals of Meluha

(singke) #1

men to decide that they will fight it. At practically all the times that evil has raised its head, it
has met the same fate. It has been destroyed.’
‘Then why am I required?’
‘You are required for the most crucial task: To answer that most important question.’
‘What is evil?’
‘What is evil?’
‘Yes. Many wars have been fought between men,’ said the Pandit. ‘And many more will be
fought in the future. That is the way of the world. But it is only a Mahadev who converts one of
those wars into a battle between good and evil. It is only the Mahadev who can recognise evil
and lead men against it. Before evil raises its ugly head and extinguishes all life.’
‘But how do I recognise evil?’
‘I can’t help you there my friend. I am not the Mahadev. This is a question you must find the
answer to. But you have the heart. You have the mind. Keep them open and evil will appear
before you.’
‘Yes,’ explained the Pandit. ‘Evil has a relationship with you. It will come to you. You have to
keep your mind and your heart open so that you recognise it when it appears. I have only one
suggestion. Don’t be hasty in trying to recognise evil. Wait for it. It will come to you.’
Shiva frowned. He looked down, trying to absorb the strange conversation. He turned
towards Lord Ram’s idol, seeking some direction. He did not find the judgemental eyes he
expected to see. Instead, he saw a warm, encouraging smile.
‘Your journey is not over, my friend. Not by a long shot. It has just begun. You have to keep
walking. Otherwise evil will triumph.’
Shiva’s eyes dried up a bit. His burden didn’t feel any lighter, but he felt strong enough to
carry it. He had to keep walking to the very end.
Shiva looked up at the Pandit and smiled weakly. ‘Who are you?’
The Pandit smiled. ‘I know the answer had been promised to you. And a vow by any of us is
a collective vow. I will not break it.’
Shiva gazed at the Pandit, waiting for the answer.
‘We are the Vasudevs.’
‘The Vasudevs?’
‘Yes. Each Vishnu leaves a tribe behind entrusted with two missions.’
Shiva continued to watch the Pandit intently.
‘The first mission is to help the next Mahadev, if and when he comes.’
‘And the second?’
‘The second is that one of us will become the next Vishnu, whenever we are required to do
so. The seventh Vishnu, Lord Ram, entrusted this task to his trusted lieutenant, Lord Vasudev.
We are his followers. We are the tribe of Vasudev.’
Shiva stared at the Pandit, absorbing the implications of this information. He frowned as one
inference suddenly occurred to him. ‘Did the Mahadevs also leave some tribes behind? Did
Lord Rudra?’
The Pandit smiled, deeply impressed by Shiva’s intellect. The Mohan Jo Daro Secretary
was correct. This man is capable of being a Mahadev.
‘Yes. Lord Rudra did leave behind a tribe. The tribe of Vayuputra.’

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