Immortals of Meluha

(singke) #1

The entire crew on all five ships was crowded on the port and starboard side, watching the
operation in awe and wonder. Shiva’s men were totally astounded by the Branga gates. They
had seen the platform close in on their ship with frightening force. Then the hooks were secured
to the chains. The Brangas, after the go-ahead from respective ship captains, began towing the
Shiva was standing aft. Looking at the office at the gate entrance.
Every Branga not working on the gate machinery was on his knees, paying obeisance to the
Neelkanth. But Shiva was staring at a broken woman curled up against the wall in foetal
position. She was still crying.
Shiva had tears in his eyes. He knew Uma believed that fate had cheated her daughter. She
believed that if the Neelkanth had arrived a month earlier, her child would still be alive. But the
Neelkanth himself was not so sure.
What could I have done?
He continued to stare at Uma.
Holy Lake, give me strength. I will fight this plague.
The ground staff got the signal. They released the accumulator machines and the pulleys
began turning, moving the ship rapidly forward.
Seeing the vision of Uma retreating swiftly, Shiva whispered, ‘I’m sorry.’

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