Immortals of Meluha

(singke) #1

Neelkanth develops a deep desire to make Sati proud of him, he will rise to fulfil his destiny.’
Parvateshwar frowned, not quite agreeing with the logic, but kept quiet all the same.
‘But what if Sati seeks something different?’ asked Kanakhala. ‘Like a husband who spends
all his time with her.’
‘I know my daughter,’ replied Daksha confidendy. ‘I know what it takes to impress her.’
‘That’s an interesting point of view, my Lord,’ smiled Kanakhala. ‘Just out of curiosity, what
do you think is the most powerful force in a woman’s life?’
Daksha laughed out loud. ‘Why do you ask? Don’t you know?’
‘Well the most powerful force in my life is the desire to get out of the house before my
mother-in-law wakes up!’
Both Daksha and Kanakhala guffawed loudly.
Parvateshwar didn’t seem to find it funny. ‘I am sorry but that is no way to speak about your
‘Oh relax, Parvateshwar,’ said Kanakhala. ‘You take everything too seriously’
‘I think,’ said Daksha smiling, ‘the most powerful force in a woman’s life is the need to be
appreciated, loved and cherished for what she is.’
Kanakhala smiled and nodded. Her emperor truly understood human emotions.

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