Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

12 Myron SharafFury On Earth

atmosphere so important for writing.
Life gave me Nathan Sharaf as a father. He has been a godsend always, but never
more so than during my work on this project. I do not know how to thank him.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Wilhelm Reich:

He was blessed with an eternal childhood,
with the givingness and vigilance of stars;
he inherited the whole earth,
and he shared it with everyone.
— From “Boris Pasternak,” a poem by Anna Akhmatova

Every fury on earth has been absorbed in time, as art, or as religion, or as
authority in one form or another. The deadliest blow the enemy of the human soul
can strike is to do fury honor. Swift, Blake, Beethoven, Christ, Joyce, Kafka, name
me a one who has not been thus castrated. Official acceptance is the one unmistak-
able symptom that salvation is beaten again, and is the one surest sign of fatal mis-
understanding, and is the kiss of Judas.
— James Agee Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

When confronted by a human being who impresses us as truly great,
should we not be moved rather than chilled by the knowledge that he might have
attained his greatness only through his frailties?
— Lou Andreas-Salome, of Sigmund Freud
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