Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Today, Reich’s work with infants and children is not so much represented by any
organization that bears his name as it is by a myriad of workers, some of whom are famil-
iar with his research, many of whom are not. His concepts and findings concerning such
factors as the oral orgasm, the dissolution of armor blocks in infants and children, and the
affirmation of childhood genitality are clearly unique to him and his students. Other of his
emphases, for example that on natural childbirth, were and are advanced by many others.
However, he provides a unified theoretical framework not available in the work of those
who may advance particular approaches identical with or similar to him. It is important that
the distinctive quality of his research should be constantly noted, as the Journal of Orgonomy
does so well. It is equally important that his work should be connected with the broad sweep
of our century’s progressive educational development, a development he both influenced
and reflected.

312 Myron SharafFury On Earth

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