Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

or not contempt. After his testimony, the Maine workman made a point of going over to
shake hands warmly with Reich.
A federal marshal from Tucson, Arizona, then testified that he had been permitted
entrance to Reich’s home in Tucson but the accompanying FDA agent had been barred. The
marshal also mentioned looking through a telescope at Reich’s property a glimmer of scien-
tific instruments and events constantly flickered through the morass of technical administra-
tive details (payment of checks, delivery of accumulators, etc.).
On Friday, May 4, I was not present. The day was devoted to government witness-
es and to proving the obvious and undisputed. May 5 continued with the government’s case.
Maguire examined William Moise to show that accumulator rentals, gathered by Silvert after
the injunction, were sent to help support Reich’s research in Arizona. Silvert was also ques-
tioned about his taking books and accumulators from Orgonon, renting accumulators in New
York, and the like. In his cross-examination, Reich wanted to have the point brought out that
Silvert had been declared exempt from the injunction during the intervention case, in other
words, when the injunction applied only to Reich, Ollendorff, and the Foundation. Both
Moise and Silvert wished to establish that Reich had notknown about Silvert’s removal of
books and accumulators from Orgonon, although this was, as we have seen, a somewhat
ambiguous point.
Before the noon recess, Reich began calling his witnesses. There was a brief discus-
sion between Reich and the judge as to what defense material Reich could admit. The judge
ruled against Reich’s arguing the validity of the original injunction or of anything not perti-
nent to the fact of obedience or disobedience of the injunction. Reich was allowed a wider
range in his summation to the jury but nowhere else.
Reich’s total time for questioning defense witnesses was not more than an hour and
a half. The essential point he wished to establish was that the injunction had been resisted to
the utmost, or, more precisely, that FDA agents were barred from Orgonon. McCullough tes-
tified to carrying a gun and being under instructions to keep the FDA agents away. The judge
interrogated McCullough as to whether he was actually prepared to use the gun. McCullough
emphasized its warning function,but did not preclude the possibility that certain circum-
stances might have compelled its use. Ross testified along similar lines. Under questioning by
Reich,he also told ofbeing asked to dig a grave during the summer of 1955 and said that
Reich was prepared to die resisting the injunction.
Albert Duvall, M.D., testified that he would not have requested his patients to return
their accumulators even if Reich had asked him to do so, and that Reich had an affidavit from
him to this effect.
Perhaps the most interesting examinations occurred when Reich called first Maguire
and then Mills to the stand.Reich tried to establish the point that Maguire had in fact read
the Conspiracyvolume. Maguire denied that he had. With Mills, Reich had the following

REICH: The fact that I want to establish here is only one. You were for

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