Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Your Honor:
We have lost,technically only, to an incomprehensible procedure treadmill. I
and my fellow workers have, however, won our case in the true, historical sense. We
may be physically destroyed tomorrow; we shall live in human memory as long as
this planet is afloat in the endless Cosmic Energy Ocean, as the Fathers of the cos-
mic, technological age.
Already today every decent soul knows that truth and wells of new knowl-
edge are on my side. I have won the battle against evil.
One day the motives and legalistic maneuvers of the technical winners of
today, the drug and cosmetic Hig, will emerge from the archives and see the clean
light of day. I certainly prefer to be in the place where I am instead of being in the
shoes of the Hig. I may suffer physical disaster, but shame and dishonor are not on
my face. It is on the face of the XXth Century Judas Iscariot, Peter Mills, who
betrayed his former friends and clients when the Oranur experiment struck us in
1952, and when the Red Fascist Hig, under Moskau [sic] order, was out to get our
experimental secrets while, at the same time, they spread poison and slander in our
peaceful village about us.Judas hurriedly left the apparently sinking ship; in addition
he covered up his tracks by accepting the role of prosecutor for the Moskau inspired
drug Hig against his former friends and clients.
In a deep sense, too, we are all guilty, bar none. We were and still are on trial,
without exception, in one of the most crucial test crises in the history of man.
This important subject has been presented by me in 1953, during the grave
planetary DOR emergency, as if in anticipation of the HIG assault. Here, the
Murder of Christ 2000 years ago has been taken as an historical example of the
method used by the Emotional Plague of Man to kill Life and Truth.
This time,however, Judas has betrayed and the Hig is killing the scientific
hope to cope with the planetary disaster that is upon us. I wish to thank you, Judge
Sweeney,for the fairness shown us, within the given bounds. May your knowledge
help to improve the American judicial system to secure factual truth^8.

Silvert requested continuance of bail pending appeal. The judge granted this request,
with the proviso that Reich and Silvert not resume the activities for which they had been
brought to trial.
Then, suddenly, incongruously, it was all over. Out of the blue, as in a dream, some-
one spoke in French, representing I believe some immigrants who had not obeyed the con-
ditions of their stay in the United States. The sudden shift from the most transcendent issues
to the most mundane was breathtaking: Reich’s case had ended with the same confusion with
which it had begun.
Reich talked to a few associates while still in the courtroom. He mentioned getting
a lawyer. His voice was soft. Then he and the others left the courtroom.

422 Myron SharafFury On Earth

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