Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

WR: Wilhelm Reich
ER: Eva Reich
IOR: Ilse Ollendorff Reich
EL: Elsa Lindenberg
LL: Lia Laszky
OH: Ottilie Heifetz

JO: Journal of Orgonomy
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
IZP: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse
ZPS: Zeitschrift fur Politische Psychologie und Sexualokonomie
OEB: Orgone Energy Bulletin
IJSO: International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research
FO: The Function of the Orgasm
SR: The Sexual Revolution
MPF: The Mass Psychology of Fascism
CB:The Cancer Biopathy
PIT: People in Trouble
RSF:Reich Speaks of Freud
CHAR. ANAL: Character Analysis
IOR, WR:BIO: Use Ollendorff Reich Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography

OIP:Orgone Institute Press
FSG: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

Chapter 1:Introduction,p.15

  1. H. M. Matusow, “The Day Reich Died,”The East Village Other, Feb. 5-15, 1966.

  2. “Milestones: Died Wilhelm Reich,”Time, Nov. 18, 1957.

3.“Dr.Wilhelm Reich,” Nov. 9, 1957.

  1. Lawrence Earth, “Reich as a Pioneer,”The Village Voice, Nov. 20, 1957

5.Letter from Richard L.Frank,Secretary of the American Psychoanalytic Association, to
Irvin Kerlan, Acting Medical Director, FDA, April 19, 1954 (from the FDA file on WR); let-
ter from Daniel Blain, Med. Dir., Amer. Psychoanalytic Assoc., to Irvin Kerlan, April 5, 1954
(FDA file).

6.AI with Charles Hay don, July 6, 1972.

7.Use OllendorffReich,Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography(New York: St. Martin’s Press,
1969;cited hereafter as IOR,WR:BIO),199.

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