Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Paul Roazen, Brother Animal (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969), 64. This book gives
    an unusually vivid picture of the analytic community ca. 1919.

Chapter 5: Reich’s Work on the Impulsive Character: 1922-1924, p.70

  1. WR,Der Triebhafte Charakter. I am using the translation by Barbara Koopman, The
    Impulsive Character and Other Writings (New York: New American Library, 1974), 1-81. A
    translation is also available through FSG, WR,Early Writings, 1975.

  2. AI with Ernst Federn, July n, 1971. Ernst Federn is Paul Federn’s son.

  3. Koopman, 38.

  4. Letter from Freud to Paul Federn. This and other letters from Freud to P. Federn were
    translated for me by Ernst Federn. I am very grateful to him for his generous assistance.

  5. Letter from John Mack to the author, Oct. 14, 1972.

  6. Ibid.

Chapter 6: Reich’s Early Work on Character Analysis: 1920-1926, p.75

1.FO, Ch. II.

  1. WR,Reich Speaks of Freud, ed. Mary Higgins and Chester M. Raphael (New York:FSG,
    1969; cited hereafter as RSF), 40.


  1. Ibid., Ch. V.

  2. Ibid.

6.Karl Abraham,“A Particular Form of Neurotic Resistance Against the Psychoanalytic
Method,”Selected Papers(London: The Hogarth Press, 1958), 303-3H.

7.WR,Character Analysis(New York:OIP,1949;hereafter referred to as CHAR. ANAL),
Ch.IV.This edition is an expanded,English development of Charakter Analyse (1933).

  1. Ibid.

9.Richard Sterba, “Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Character Resistance,”Psychoanalytic
Quarterly,24, 1953, 1-17.


  1. Ibid., Ch. VIII.


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