Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Esquire, July 1961, 114.

  2. O. Fenichel,The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neuroses(New York: W. W. Norton, 1945), 87,

  3. Erik Erikson,Childhood and Society(New York: W. W. Norton, 1950), 230.

  4. Seymour Fisher,The Female Orgasm(New York: Basic Books, 1973).

  5. Norman O. Brown,Life Against Death(New York: Columbia University Press, 1959),

Chapter 8: Personal Life: 1920-1926, p.106

  1. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

  2. Tel. Int. with Edith Buxbaum, Feb. 8, 1973.

  3. AI with Ernst Federa, July n, 1971.

  4. AI with LL, July 15, 1971.


6.AI with ER,Aug. 2, 1971.

  1. Ibid.

8.Letter to the author from Lore Reich Ruben, Feb. 3, 1973.

  1. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

  2. Ibid.


  1. AI with OH, Aug. 21, 1971.

13.IOR, WR: BIO,35.It is hard to evaluate the financial aspect ofthe relationship between
WR and his brother. OH seems to have given somewhat different versions of the relation-
ship to IOR and to me.

14.AI with OH, Aug. 21, 1971.

  1. Ibid.


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