Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Ibid, Ch. IV.

  2. Ibid.

Chapter 11: The Application of Sex-economic Concepts
on the Social Scene The Sex-pol: 1927-1930, p.127

1.PIT, especially Chs. II, IV, VI, and VII, contains the best description of the Sex-pol move-

  1. AI with LL, July 15, 1971. Much of the detail about Reich’s community sex-political work
    is taken from this interview.

  2. Tel. Int. with K. R. Eissler, July 1971.

  3. Quoted in Ellen Siersted,Wilhelm Reich og Orgonomi(Copenhagen: Niels Bluedel, 1972). I
    am grateful to Ildri Bie Ginn for translating this quotation.

  4. AI with LL, July 15, 1971.

  5. WR,The Mass Psychology of Fascism(New York:OIP, 1946; cited hereafter as MPF). This
    book is now available through FSG.

7.MPF, Ch. VIII.

8.PIT, Ch. IV.

  1. Ibid.

  2. Ibid.

  3. As late as 1973, Helena Deutsch was still taking this position, criticizing Reich for his
    “false propaganda of the orgiastic [sic] ‘ideology’ among adolescents, without any regard for
    the crucial process of sublimation”Confrontations with Myself, 66.

12.PIT, Ch. IV.

13.AI with Edith Jacobson, Oct. 15, 1971.

  1. WR, “Sexualnot und Sexualreform.” This talk was published by the World League for
    Sexual Reform in 1930. It has been translated into English by Anson G. Rabinbach, “The
    Sexual Misery ofthe Working
    Masses and the Difficulties of Sexual Reform,”New German Critique,Vol. I, No. i, Winter
    1973-1974* 90-110.

15.WR,Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf(Copenhagen:Sexpol Verlag, 1936). English transla-
tion:The Sexual Revolution(New York:OIP,1945;cited hereafter as SR).This book is now
available through FSG.

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