Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Koopman, Ch. 5.

  2. Marvin Zuckennan, “Physiological Measures of Sexual Arousal in the Human,”
    Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 75, 1971, 297-329.

  3. William Hoffmann, “Dr. Reich and His Electrophysiology,”Arbeiderbladet(Oslo newspa-
    per), June 8, 1938.

  4. AC with WR, Summer 1950.

Chapter 17: The Bions: 1936-1939, p.206

1.PIT, Appendix.

  1. Ibid.

  2. WR,The Bion Experiments(New York:FSG, 1979), 28. The original German manuscript
    was published as a monograph, “Die Bione” (Berlin: Sexpol Verlag, 1938).


  1. I am here utilizing the framework of analysis provided by Boadella, Ch.

  2. Even with regard to structure, R. M. Allen has stated that the observer benefits from mag-
    nification up to around 4000x, although the theoretical limit is much lower. Allen adds the
    proviso that for high magnification, high-quality apochromatic (best color correction) lens-
    es must be used. Reich had such lenses R. M. Allen,The Microscope(Princeton, N.J.: Van
    Nostrand, 1941).

7.PIT, Appendix.

  1. Ibid.

  2. John McPhee, Basin and Range (New York:FSG, 1981).

  3. The Bion Experiments, Ch. IV.

11.Reich published these findings some years later in The Cancer Biopathy(New York:OIP,
1949;cited hereafter as CB),Ch.II Copies ofthis edition,translated by Theodore P. Wolfe,
were destroyed by the FDA in 1956; microfilms are available in a number of libraries. A new
translation of the work is available through FSG.

12.CB,Ch. IV.

  1. Boadella, 136-137.

14.AC with WR,Winter 1949.


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