Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Sexpol Verlag. Much of this material was included verbatim but translated into English in
    The Function of the Orgasm, 1942. 1 use this translation in my citations.

4.FO, Ch. VIII.

  1. Ibid.

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Lowen,Bioenergetics(Baltimore: Penguin, 1976).

  5. WR,Orgasmusreflex(Berlin: Sexpol Verlag, 1937), translated by the author.

10.FO, Ch. VIII.



  1. AC with WR, Summer 1948.

14.FO, Introductory Survey.

Chapter 19: Personal Life and Relations
with Colleagues: 1934-1939, p.232

  1. AI with EL, Aug. 28, 1962.

  2. AI with EL, April 1977.

3.JIOR, WR:BIO, 59.

  1. FenichePs views about Reich during this time are well conveyed in a series of
    “Rundbriefe” he wrote to his colleagues during 1935 and 1936. These “circular letters’* were
    designed not for wider distribution but to keep sympathetic colleagues informed. Lore Reich
    Ruben kindly made available to me the set ofletters Fenichel sent to her mother, Annie
    Reich. FenichePs commitment to the psychoanalytic organization is most clearly expressed
    in his letter of Feb. 12, 1935.

5.Fenichel, “Rundbrief,” Feb. 12, 1935.

  1. Boadella, Appendix 3.

7.AI with Ola Raknes,July 5,1972.


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