Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Tel. Int. with Hanna Fenichel, October 1971.

9.ZPS, III, 1936, 150-156. English translation, Annals of the Orgone Institute, I, 1946, 108-

  1. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

n. Ibid.

  1. Ibid.

  2. ER very kindly showed this letter to me and translated it.

  3. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Letter translated by ER.

  6. AI with IOR, July 1977.

  7. AC with WR, Summer 1950.

19.AI with Nic Hoel, Aug. 31, 1957.


  1. AI with EL, Aug. 28, 1962.

22.Colin Wilson,The Quest for Wilhelm Reich(New York: Random House, 1981).

  1. Letter from Gerd Bergersen to the author, March 2, 1981.

  2. Wilson, 174.


26.PIT, Appendix. We have to take with some skepticism Reich’s attribution of the initia-
tive for approaching Thjötta. Reich was inclined to blame others when a contact ended
badly.I remember around 1950 Reich conceived the idea of donating some of his books to
the Rangeley Public Library. He asked me what I thought of the plan. In the face of his
enthusiasm I was not inclined to express my doubts about the degree to which the librarian
would welcome the gift ofThe Function of the Orgasm. Later, when she returned the
books as unacceptable, a very hurt Reich fiercely blamed me for proposing the idea of send-
ing the books.

27.This letter ofMarch 17, 1937, was translated by the author.

  1. Charles Peguy,Basic Verities(New York: Pantheon, 1943), 53.

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