Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Martin Grotjahn,Psychosomatic Medicine, 5, 1943

  2. Paul Goodman, “The Political Meaning of Some Recent Revisions of Freud,”Politics,
    Vol. 2, 1945.

  3. M. L. Berneri, “Sexuality and Freedom,” Nov. 5, 1945.

  4. AI with Walter Briehl, March 1972.

  5. AI with Edith Jacobson, Oct. 15, 1971. I have only her version of her New York
    encounter with Reich.

  6. AI with LL, July 15, 1971.

  7. Tel Int. with Gisela Stein, Oct. 10, 1971.

  8. This article was prepared in January 1939 by the Sexpol Verlag, but only for select dis-
    tribution; it was not available for sale.

27.Beverley R. Placzek, ed.,The Record of a Friendship: The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and
A. S. Neill(New York:FSG, 1981).

28.JIOR, WR:BIO,88.

29.AI with ER,Aug. 2, 1971.

  1. AI with IOR, July 1976.

31.Jerome Greenfield has seen the FBI file on Reich and has ascertained that Reich was in
fact detained because of his former “communist” activities. Cf. Greenfield, “Enemy Alien,”
JO, 16, 1982, 91-109.

32.JIOR, WR:BIO, 91-92.

33.AI with IOR,July 1977.

  1. AI with EL, November 1978.

35.AI with Lillian Bye,December 1954.

  1. AI with EL, April 1977.

37.Friedrich Nietzsche, “Schopernhauer as Educator,”Thoughts out of Season(New York:
The Macmillan Company, 1924), 123.

38.AI with EL,November 1978.

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