Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. See Ernest Hartmann,The Functions of Sleep(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973).

  2. Donald Hall,Remembering Poets(New York: Harper Colophon, 1977), 123.

  3. AC with WR, Fall 1949.

Chapter 25: The American Campaign
Against Orgonomy The Beginnings: 1947-1948, p.335

  1. See Lillian Hellman,Scoundrel Time(New York: Bantam Books, 1977).

  2. Mildred Edie Brady, “Is the World Sexually Sick?”Everybody’s DigestDecember 1947.

  3. Henderson and Shaw, “Greenwich Village,”Collier’s, Dec. 6, 1947.

  4. Irwin Ross, “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich,”New York Post, Sept. 5, 1954.

  5. Mildred Edie Brady, “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich,”Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic,

  6. FDA file on Reich. How I came upon the FDA file back in the 19605 and prior to the
    Freedom of Information Act that makes it available to the public says something about the
    FDA’s view of the case. At the time, Nathan C. Hale was planning a study of Reich. He knew
    the FDA had refused to permit indignant followers of Reich to see the material. Hence he
    presented himself quite differently, simply asking to see their “six most famous cases” for
    purposes of an article he was writing, with the correct conviction that they would so define
    the Reich affair. He was also permitted to Xerox the records on the “six most famous cases,”
    including the material on Reich. When Hale gave up the idea of doing the study, he gener-
    ously permitted me to use the material.

  7. Jerome Greenfield,Wilhelm Reich Vs. the U.S.A.(New York: W. W. Norton, 1974), 61-62.

  8. Ibid., 62.

  9. FDA file.


  1. Ibid.


13.Greenfield, 69.

14.Conspiracy and Emotional Chain Reaction,Item 386A.Conspiracy was a volume of docu-
ments Reich prepared soon after the injunction was issued in 1954.It was quite a thorough
record of almost all the attacks against him since his arrival in the United States, with many

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