Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Martin D. Ecker and Norton J. Bramesco,All You Need to Know About Radiation(New York:
    Vintage, 1981), 59. This text, by a professor of radiology at the Yale School of Medicine and
    a journalist, is a marvel of concision and readability.

  2. James DeMeo, “Effects of Fluorescent Lights and Metal Boxes on Growing Plants,”JO,
    9, 1975, 62-68,

  3. Ecker and Bramesco, 62, 161.

  4. Ecker and Bramesco, especially Chs. 6 and 7.

  5. WR, “DOR Removal and Cloud-Busting,”OEB, IV, 1952, 171-172.

  6. Quoted in Boadella, Ch. 12.

  7. Cf., for example, Richard Blasband, “Orgonomic Functionalism: Atmospheric
    Circulation,”JO, 4, 1970, 167-182, and his “Core Progress Report, No. 4,”JO, 8, 1974, 85-
    89;and Charles Kelley,A New Method ofWeather Control(Stamford, Conn.: 1961).

16.James DeMeo, “Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to
Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloud-Buster,” master’s thesis, Dept. of
Geography/Meteorology, University of Kansas, 1973. This particular quote is taken from
the abstract of the thesis.

17.WR,“The Blackening Rocks,”OEB,V, 1953, 28-59, 41.

  1. Ibid., 53.

19.WR,“The Medical DOR-Buster,” CORE, VII, 1955, 97-113.

  1. Richard A. Blasband, “The Medical DOR-Buster in the Treatment of Cancer Mice,”JO,
    8, 1974, 173-180.

Chapter 27:Personal Life and Other Developments: 1950-1954, p.356

1.RSF, 20.

2.AI with ER,Oct.17,1981.

  1. AI with IOR, July 1976.


  1. AI with Lois Wyvell, December 1978.

6.Most ofthe information about Wolfe in this chapter is drawn from my interview with
Gladys Meyer, July 16, 1971.

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