Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

10.JIOR, WR:BIO, 196.

  1. Greenfield, 263.

  2. AC with Greenfield, 273.

  3. This information is contained in Reich’s parole application in the prison file.

  4. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

15.JIOR, WR:BIO, 197.

  1. Ibid, 198.

Epilogue, p.443

  1. WR,Selected Writings(New York:FSG, 1960), viii.

  2. AI with ER, Aug. 2, 1971.

  3. Greenfield, 273.

4.Jutta Espanca, “The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life, Part I,”Offshoots of Orgonomy,3,
1981; “Part 2,”Offshoots, 4, 1982.

  1. Philip Rieff, “Reich’s Selected Writings”, New York Times, Sept. n, 1960.

  2. Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, “Back into the Old Orgone Box,” New York Times, Jan. 4,

  3. Quoted by Arthur Efron in “The Mind-Body Problem in Lawrence, Pepper, and Reich,”
    Journal of Mind and Behavior, V, 1980, 249.


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